Pagan Beliefs

Rules of presentation of manuscripts

The journal "Pagan Beliefs" publishes scientific articles reflecting a wide range of problems in history and the current situation of pagan beliefs in the world.

The papers submitted for publication must be original, not previously published in other printed and electronic publications.

The paper should be in the range of 7-30 thousand words.

The article should contain both Russian and English:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the author;
  • information about the author (academic degree, title, position, place of work and address of the organization with indication of the postal code, e-mail);
  • title of the article;
  • an author's resume (abstract) for an article with a volume of 250-300 words. The author's resume should be an independent source of information.
  • keywords;
  • the text of the article. Links are indicated by brackets, indicating the name, year and page [Petrov, 2012 P. 121];
  • bibliography in the Roman alphabet. Translation into Russian can be done by the editorial staff.

Manuscripts are accepted in electronic form in Word format at the address:

The publication in the journal is free of charge. The editorial board does not impose a fee for speeding up the publication of manuscripts.


In the text of the article the link is given in parentheses, where the surname (the table of contents for Internet links), year and page is indicated.

The journal uses a complete bibliographic description of all sources involved in writing an article. Transliteration must be given according to the Library of Congress system.
If sources other than English are used, the description of the source must include:

Author (transliteration);
Russian-language name (or in another language) in transliteration;
translation of the title of the article into English in square brackets;
the name of the journal in transliteration and in English (in italics);
log output, according to the accepted standard of description (see sample);
reference to the language of the article.


* A scientific article presenting the results of study, research, theoretical and practical developments of the author (or a group of authors) must be based on the author's sources or facts that have either not been introduced into scientific circulation so far, or have not answered those questions that put by the author (group of authors) of the original article.

The text of the original article should have a certain structure with highlighted (or unselected) headings:
• introduction to the problem;
• presentation and analysis of scientific facts;
• discussion of the results of observations;
• conclusion;
• reference list of references.

The style of the original article, as a rule, does not imply a narrative (a chronological account of events), but an argumentation, that is, a system of logical reasoning "premise-evidence-conclusion", which builds and presents a solution to a scientific problem.