Pagan Beliefs

Review procedure

1. All manuscripts received by the editorial office are checked for compliance with formal requirements by the editor-in-chief, publishing editor, and editorial staff.

2. The editors reserve the right to reject the manuscript or to demand proper registration in the absence of mandatory elements of content.

3. In accordance with the Rules for the submission of manuscripts and correspondence to the subject matter of the journal, the material submitted for publication is sent for peer review, as reported to the author.

4. The editorial staff uses two-way blind reviewing. The review of the manuscript can take up to 45 calendar days.

5. The reviewers are scientists who have publications on the field of research addressed in the manuscript.

6. The reviewer provides feedback, where the positive sides of the manuscript are formed, and, if available, draws attention to the shortcomings. The reviewer makes a conclusion about the admissibility of publishing the manuscript in its original form, in a modified version, or recommends rejecting the manuscript from the publication. The editor-in-chief immediately informs the author about receipt of the reviewer's response.

7. If there are shortcomings, the author is given 90 days to correct the comments of the reviewer. If the manuscript is rejected from the publication, the manuscript can not be accepted for re-review.

8. If necessary, members of the editorial boards of the journal are involved in making a decision on the appropriateness of the publication of the manuscript.

9. When receiving a positive review, the manuscript is accepted for publication in order of priority, and also based on the appropriateness of filling out the headings.

10. The author has the right to ask the editorial office for a review of the manuscript.

11. The editors reserve the right not to enter into correspondence with the authors in case of disagreement regarding the publication of manuscripts.

12. Received reviews on the manuscript are kept in the editorial office.

13. The editorial board is interested in receiving manuscripts corresponding to the subject of the journal and possessing elements of scientific innovation. In the interests of the editorial staff, the authors should complete the manuscripts, if they are recommended for publication, subject to the preliminary elimination of the remarks.

14. The editors adhere to the principles of openness of the journal for publication of scientific results of researchers who conduct theoretical or practical scientific research in thematic areas corresponding to the profile of journals.

15. The editorial board of the publication sends copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials.

16. The editorial board of the publication sends copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editorial office of the publication.

17. The publication reviews all materials received by the editorial board that correspond to its subject, with the aim of their expert evaluation. All reviewers selected by the editors are qualified specialists in the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of the reviewed article over the past 3 years. Reviews are stored in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years.