Pagan Beliefs

For authors

Dear authors,
The journal "Pagan Beliefs" invites the publication of original research, relevant to the subject of the publication.

Authors wishing to publish in the journal should familiarize themselves with the Rules for Submitting Manuscripts, the Regulations on Peer Review, and the Ethics of Scientific Publications.

The presented publication rules are developed by the editors of the journal and are mandatory for potential authors. The rules for the design of a bibliographic description in the Roman alphabet are a standard developed by the journal and necessary for the design of all manuscripts without exception.

The journal strives to meet the high international requirements for writing and designing scientific articles, and encourages authors to submit their work in an acceptable format for publication.

The scientific journal takes a responsible approach to maintaining scientific reputation. We closely monitor compliance with publishing standards by all parties involved in the publication process; these include the author, reviewer, editor and publisher. In our activities, we are guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

All authors must disclose in their manuscript any financial or other significant conflicts of interest that could influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. A conflict of interest occurs when there is a personal interest of the author, for any reason, to distort the accuracy of the information presented in the article.

The scientific journal does not recognize plagiarism. Authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript is a completely original work, has not been previously published in any language and is submitted for consideration to another publication; the used information or excerpts from other publications are appropriately indicated by a reference or noted in the text. In addition, manipulation of scientific data, tables, figures or any text for the purpose of deliberately providing incorrect information to manipulate the peer review process is strictly prohibited. Authors guarantee that all persons mentioned in the list of authors have made a significant contribution to the article and no person who has made a significant contribution has been excluded from the list of authors or acknowledged persons. All sources of external funding must be indicated. The author is responsible for the information provided in the article.

Reviewers and editors evaluate the level of the article, its practical value and compliance with the principles of ethical scientific publications. The reviewer must give an impartial assessment, regardless of the author's identity, gender, social status, religion and nationality. The review is carried out taking into account the principles of confidentiality, according to which information about the article (the timing of receipt, content, stages and features of the review, comments from reviewers and the final decision on publication) is not disclosed to anyone except the authors and reviewers.

We believe that any misconduct in the form of fabrication, falsification or plagiarism undermines the success of all scientific endeavors. Any concerns raised about possible misconduct or plagiarism will be first assessed by the editor in collaboration with the reviewer, if necessary. If deemed appropriate, the matter will be forwarded to the institution where the relevant scientific work was performed.

We ensure that every effort is made to ensure fairness for both those accused of misconduct and those who raised concerns about scientific misconduct. If any type of scientific misconduct is confirmed after publication, the article will be retracted. In this case, the editors will use the COPE publication retraction policy.

The journal editors will review the concerns and decide on a retraction, and the editor-in-chief will publish the retraction notices, explaining the reasons. An article prepared with violations will remain in the public domain for readers, but will be marked as "retracted" along with a retraction note.

Open Access

The journal supports the Platinum Open Access policy. All published materials are available immediately. We do not charge fees to authors and readers. We adhere to the principles of transparency and best practices in scientific publications. We support platinum open access, as it promotes productive scientific discussion and has a positive effect on the efficiency and dynamics of article citation. Our publications are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Archiving Policy

All materials published in journals are archived in the Russian State Library and in other libraries of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Mandatory Copy of Documents" dated 29.12.1994 N 77-FZ.


The journal uses the Creative Commons copyright policy for open access journals (CC BY-NC 4.0). Authors who publish in such a journal agree to the following terms:

Authors retain the right to authorship of their work and grant the journal the right of first publication of this work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0), which allows others to freely distribute the published work with a mandatory reference to the authors of the original work and the original publication in this journal.

Authors, sending material to the editorial board (publisher) for publication, agree that the editorial board (publisher) is transferred the rights to protect and use this material, including such protected objects of copyright as photographs of the author, drawings, diagrams, tables, etc., including reproduction in the press and on the Internet; for distribution; translation of the manuscript